Two Great NBBBS Matches Celebrated In A Recent New Britain Herald Front Page Feature Story
Participants in the Telemin/Shapiro and the Cruz/Soblio mentoring relationships have always known just how amazing their matches are. Now their stories have been made available to a wider audience thanks to a major Front Page story in a recent weekend edition of the New Britain Herald newspaper. To view it click on the link below. The story is also posted on the Herald’s website: www.newbritainherald.com
The New Britain Herald publishes weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Its circulation area includes New Britain, Berlin, Plainville, Southington, Newington and Wethersfield. The newspaper lists a paid circulation of approximately 6,000 readers. It’s also available at a large number of retail outlets throughout its market area. Additionally, the New Britain Herald has a growing website and social media presence.