Foster Grandparent of the Year Manuela Sanchez-Bodden
02 Feb
  • By Paige Howarth

Foster Grandparent of the Year Headlined in CT Latino News

Now posted prominently on the CT Latino News digital platform is coverage on Big Brothers Big Sisters of Connecticut, the organization’s Foster Grandparent Program, and the program’s Foster Grandparent of the Year, Manuela Sanchez-Bodden. The coverage features a long article by reporter Belen Dumont, illustrated by two color photos. To view the coverage, please click on the link below. 

CT Latino News is an English language daily online news site covering Latinx people and Latinx issues in Connecticut and throughout the New England region. It reaches the ever growing, underserved Latinx market that consumes its news and information in English – business owners and managers, professionals, homeowners, individuals employed in the trades, service industry, public sector, etc.

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