We’re seeking caring adults like you who recognize the promise of Connecticut youth. Our mentors support their dreams, are there to listen and care, and strengthen children’s health. Find the volunteer opportunity that’s right for you and do something big today!

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Connecticut offers children a one-to-one, long-term friendship with an adult mentor. Bigs serve as role models, supporting young people’s mental health.

We are committed to partnering with you to ignite children’s potential. Since 1966 we have been matching youth (Littles) across our state with committed adult mentors (Bigs). These mentoring relationships help transform the lives of thousands of children, teens, and mentors.
Recent studies have shown that young people matched with a Big are more confident, hopeful, and resilient.
When talking to mentors, we learned that 94% of Bigs report enjoying a strong mentoring relationship with their Little. Meanwhile, our Littles are:

more likely to be doing
better in school.

less likely to drink
or use drugs

less likely to get in trouble at school or in their community.
You’ll be hanging out with your Little in a few easy steps and we’re here to guide and support you every step of the way. Questions? See the FAQ or contact us.

The first step to becoming a Big is to submit an online inquiry and your volunteer application. These help us begin to know you, your background, and your aspirations as a volunteer.
An Enrollment Specialist will conduct your intake interview virtually via video conference. This interview is designed to learn more about you, including your motivation for becoming a mentor, personal and professional background, interests, hobbies, and expectations for your volunteer experience.
Our one-time, two-hour Pre-Match Training covers responsibilities and expectations of volunteers, as well as crucial youth development and safety information you’ll need to become a successful Big. We offer this training virtually via webinar and video conference.
Once a volunteer has completed the steps above and has been accepted as a volunteer, they will be matched with a Little based on experiences, backgrounds, and interests.
It is finally time to meet your Little! After approving your match, your Enrollment Specialist will coordinate a Match Introduction Meeting between you, your prospective Little, and their parent/guardian. This meeting will help all match participants get to know one another and determine the suitability of the prospective match within a safe, supported, and staff facilitated environment.
Now the fun begins! Once approved by all parties, the match becomes official and the relationship can begin. Your Match Support Specialist will begin providing your match with support and guidance throughout the entire history of your relationship.
During unstructured one-to-one outings that take place a couple times per month, you can make a huge difference in the life of a young person by helping them recognize their potential.

We’re here to help you every step of the way. View a full list of commonly asked questions to get the information you need.
What are the basic requirements for becoming a Big?
Bigs must be 21 years of age or older, have a valid driver’s license and be willing to commit to a long-term volunteer experience of at least one year, although most friendships last much longer. Once matched, Bigs are expected to see their Littles for a few hours per month.
Who are the Bigs in the program?
Our Bigs come from diverse backgrounds, just like our Littles. They are regular people, just like you. You don’t need any special degrees or job skills. You just have to want to positively impact a young person in need.
What support is provided to Big/Little relationships?
Once you are matched with your Little, your Match Support Specialist will be in regular contact with you to provide assistance and give feedback. If you are unsure about how to handle a situation, your Match Support Specialist is here to help. They’ll help you with ideas for activities, guidance for handling difficult situations, and feedback on how you are making a difference.
How do I choose my Little?
This is what’s really unique about BBBS. We don’t just select the next child on our list and match them with a Big. Each Big and Little are matched based on compatibility and proximity to each other, but ultimately, Bigs and Littles choose each other. Enrollment Specialists get to know each Big, parent and child who enroll in the program. They learn their interests, hobbies, what they are looking for in a match and much more. Once a volunteer is accepted into the program, an Enrollment Specialist will begin searching for a few Littles they think would make a good match. They will then send a profile of a Little who they believe is a great match for you. From there, you ultimately decide if they will be the best fit.
Do the parents and children want to be a part of the program?
Parents who enroll their children in the BBBS program want the best for their children. Many say that their children’s Bigs are able to talk to them about issues that are difficult for a parent to address. They also say introducing a Big into their child’s life has not only changed their son/daughter’s life, but it’s impacted the entire family. BBBS only enrolls children who want and need the program and whose parents want them to be in it. 100% of those enrolled are ready and excited about being matched.
When can I see my Little?
As a Big/Little team, you decide together what you want to do and then your Little gets approval from his or her parent. We recommend that you keep a consistent schedule of outings and get together on a regular basis. Your local agency will provide more guidance on this. The outings will also depend on the comfort level of your Little’s parents, your Little, and you.
What do I do with my Little?
Anything you like! Activities are up to each match to schedule and participate in. Common activities include going to get ice cream, going to a movie, playing catch or a video game, attending a sporting event or concert, or running errands. BBBS also hosts great match activities and parties that all Bigs/Littles are invited to. Our Bigs are also occasionally given free tickets to events that Match Support Specialists are able to distribute to matches.
How much money should I spend?
We don’t encourage spending a lot of money on your outings because the goal of the relationship is to help your Little see the world through a different lens so you can inspire your Little. If you are going to spend money, we encourage you to seek out low-cost activities, like playing a game together. Our agencies offer donor-supported group activities that are a great way to meet other Bigs and Littles. As a Big, you may also receive notices for free tickets to cultural and sports activities for you both to enjoy.
Can I bring my spouse, a friend, or a family member on outings?
In the beginning, it’s most important for you and your Little to get to know each other on a one-to-one basis. However, over time, it’s also valuable for your Little to get to know the people who are important to you. Keep in mind that if you’re spending lots of time with others, your Little may begin to feel jealous or neglected. The main focus is the friendship you develop with your Little.
Will I become a replacement parent?
No, Littles have a parent or guardian in their life already. What they need is a Big to spend quality, one-on-one time with.
What if it doesn’t work out?
We do everything in our power to make a match that we think will last. However, we realize that sometimes things come up and situations change. We will attempt to mediate the situation, but if it doesn’t work out, we will end the match. If this happens, your Match Support Specialist will be there to support you every step of the way.
Find the volunteer opportunity that’s right for you and do something Big today!