Three South Windsor Sisters From One Family Are Being Mentored By Three “Bigs” from Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sisters
01 Apr
  • By bbbsnutmeg

Three South Windsor Sisters From One Family Are Being Mentored By Three “Bigs” from Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sisters

There was Front Page news coverage on Nutmeg Big Brothers in a recent weekend edition of the Manchester Journal-Inquirer. The coverage included two color photos illustrating a long article. The coverage focused on the match relationships between three Big Sisters (adult mentors) from NBBBS and their three Little Sisters (mentees) from South Windsor, who are also biological sisters. The coverage reported on how these three NBBBS match relationships have continued to flourish during the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis. To view the coverage, click this link.

The Manchester Journal-Inquirer is a tabloid-sized newspaper published on Monday through Friday afternoons and on Saturday mornings. It serves 18 east of the Connecticut River municipalities (including East Hartford and Manchester) in the North Central portion of the state. The publication offers a print edition with a healthy subscriber and retail readership. It also has a growing social media and digital presence, which can be viewed at:

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