24 Jul
  • By bbbsnutmeg

50 For Fall Recruitment Campaign!

Our waiting list has grown during the past several months – not surprising during this time of unprecedented anxiety and confusion. It’s why we’ve just launched a mentor recruitment campaign we’re calling 50 For Fall. Our goal is to recruit 50 mentors (or more) before September 22.

Since most of the kids on our statewide waiting list are boys, we really need male mentors. We especially need male mentors of color because a lot of those waiting list kids happen to be boys of color. If you think you’d like being the catalyst that helps change a young person’s life for the better, you might be the perfect mentoring candidate. Or, maybe you have a friend, family member or business associate who’d make an inspirational mentor.

Mentoring is fun, doesn’t take much, time and doesn’t require special qualifications. And, as one of our current mentors recently said, “It’s the most rewarding experience ever!”

To find out more, go to: www.nbbbs.org.

For those who weren’t able to tune in to Andy Fleischmann’s interview on NBC Connecticut’s late morning news program at 11:45 a.m., here’s an opportunity to view it now by clicking on the link below. In the 4-minute interview, Andy talks to news anchor Kevin Nathan about Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sisters and about the organization’s new 50 For Fall recruitment campaign – designed to persuade 50 male volunteers from the communities Nutmeg serves to step up and become Big Brothers to boys in need of an inspirational friend, sounding board and role model to help those boys realize their great potential.

NBC CT 50 For Fall Interview

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