25 Apr
  • By bbbsnutmeg

NBC Connecticut Reports on How Big Brothers Big Sisters Got Costumed To Celebrate National Read Across America Month

On Friday, March 10, 2023, there was coverage on NBC Connecticut on Big Brothers Big Sisters of Connecticut, the organization’s Foster Grandparent Program and on the program’s Dr. Seuss-themed read aloud event, held at the Paraiso Infantil early education center in Hartford. The coverage, reported by multi-media journalist Jolie Sherman, ran on NBC Connecticut’s 11:00 a.m. news broadcast that day, and on other editions of the station’s news programming throughout the upcoming weekend.

For those who missed the segment when it first aired, it can be enjoyed now by clicking on the link below.


NBC Connecticut is the state affiliate of the National Broadcasting Company (NBC). The station broadcasts throughout Connecticut and beyond.

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