Champion Award Presentation
02 Oct
  • By Paige Howarth

Hartford Courant Recaps Presentation of the Big Brothers Big Sisters’ Children’s Champion Award to Sen. Cathy Osten

The Hartford Courant newspaper has reported on the September presentation of the 2022 Big Brothers Big Sisters Children’s Champion Award to State Senator Catherine A. Osten. The article was written by Courant reporter Melanie Savage. The coverage includes a color photo and long article. To view the Sen. Osten/Children’s Champion Award coverage, please click on the link below.

The Hartford Courant is Connecticut’s oldest and largest newspaper. It publishes statewide on weekdays and on Saturdays and Sundays. It has a total paid circulation in excess of 155,000 readers. The Courant also offers its contents via a selection of digital platforms, and has a statewide retail readership (honor boxes, convenience stores, gas stations, supermarkets, pharmacies, etc.).

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